A few years back I was trying to figure out where in the city I should move. I took public transit to work every day, and reducing my commute time factored heavily into my decision. Using Google Maps I manually plotted how long it would take to get to work in the morning from each apartment I looked at and found that some of the results were surprising.
I started to wonder if I might be neglecting certain pockets of the city because it would take a long time to get to work using the transit routes I was aware of, when in fact there might be a direct bus I didn't know about that would make it very convenient.
That curiosity back in 2017 led to several years of figuring out how to make this project work. Ironically, the first time I moved (a couple months after I first had the idea) I had figured out how to gather the data, but not how to plot it on a map. When I finally completed the map after moving, I looked at my current apartment and noticed the commute time of my block was longer than literally any other block in West Philly. After years of 45 minute commutes that could have been 30-40 minutes I vowed to never make a decision to move without consulting a map first.
Below is a map of how long it takes to commute to Iffy Books in Philadelphia via public transit. This guide will teach you how to make your own map just like it.